Friday, January 2, 2015

My 2015 Goals and 2014 Year-in-Review

My top 20 goals for 2015, in no particular order:

1. more dyeing

2. more hooking
3. more creating
4. more connecting
5. more community-building
6. more self-care
7. more deliciousness
8. more dancing
9. more writing
10. more travel
11. more organizing
12. more making
13. more learning
14. more gardening
15. more togetherness
16. more decorating
17. more sunlight
18. more bike rides
19. more doggy walkies
20. more love

I'm going into 2015 feeling a bit burnt-out. Last year I said yes to too many projects; this year, I need to set boundaries and delegate more things and be kinder to myself. So maybe that list above looks like too much. However, that "more more more" list above really boils down to this: choosing only things that reduce my stress or bring me more joy. 

Speaking of. Let's look at the last year, as reflected in my favourite blog posts! 

My favourite posts on Loop-Frame Love:

  • My ride report on one of this summer's most memorable Critical Lass rides, and
  • I described my new winter bike, a Raleigh Twenty, which I hereby resolve to actually switch to Marathon Winters and give a whirl in snowy conditions.

My volunteer work with The Local Good has been absorbing much of my free time and energy, and some of that awesomeness is reflected in my Storify recaps of events for The Local Good's blog. I got to meet David Suzuki at the "Citizens As Climate Leaders" panel discussion at the U of A, and the portion of the proceeds given to TLG were used as seed money to establish the upcoming Edmonton Resilience Festival, which I expect will be all I talk about between now and mid-February (It's going to be the coolest.). In addition to our Green Drinks and Good Hundred Experiment events, we ran the #31DaysOfYEG challenge in July and the Shop Local Selfie challenge in December. TLG also held our first-ever fundraiser after seven years of running on volunteer hours, ticket sales, and grit - and I was honestly overwhelmed by the number of people who came. Knowing so many people believe in the work we are doing is, in a word, inspiring.

It was a fabulous year. Even if I'm feeling tired.

Bring on 2015!

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